Few Words for those intersted in EAS History of the Greek market
Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) were presented for first time in the Greek market by the company SENELCO in 1985 and the first installation took place, the same year, with Microwave (MW) Antishoplifting System in Tsantilis store (Voukourestiou & Panepistimiou), in Athens.
In the city of Thessalonica, the first installation of antishoplifting system, also microwave (MW), took place in Dil store in 1988 and the same year a Radiofrequency (RF) system was installed in Oceano shop in Larisa.
The music shops, where EAS systems were firstly installed, were Jazz-Rock in the city of Athens (1987), Almbantis in Thessalonica (1988) and Musical Fidelity in Patras (1989). The above systems were all electromagnetic (EM).
Microwave devices (MW) are no longer installed in Greece. Besides electromagnetic (EM) systems survive mainly in libraries and in some music shops.
In the Greek market, the first RF system with the ability of detection adhesive label (RF 8,2MHz) was placed in the shop Ers (Kordigktonos), in 1986. RF systems, compared with the systems of older technology (EM - MW), constituted the most economic and reliable solution that period because they combined the lower cost with the best performance & operation.
The increasing demand for antishoplifting equipment in the Greek market the following years, encouraged other companies as well, except Senelco (end of business enterprise in 2000), to include in their activity the sale of EAS products. Nowadays in the Greek market nine companies approximately trade EAS equipment.
In 1991 Sensormatic Company presented in Greece, via the distributor company SENELCO, a product of high reliability compared to EAS systems that circulated till then in the world market. These systems were named Acoustomagnetic (AM) 58KHz.
Generally speaking, the best RF system is not possible to be compared with the most economic AM system. In Greece, the first antishoplifting system of AM 58KHz technology was installed in the shop Acrobat (Skoufa) in 1991, by SENELCO company.
Later other manufacturers designed systems of 58KHz. The competition contributed to the further reduction of the cost of the acoustomagnetic equipment. As a result more & more stores prefer AM systems, making the acoustomagnetic technology more attractive solution compared to the older RF technology.
OPTEPHSIS S.A. is technical EAS company. It was founded in 2003 from persons, who worked for company SENELCO/SENSORMATIC/ADT from 1987, in order to fill the void for responsible antishoplifting proposals, correct designing - implement and reliable after sale service in the Greek market. EAS does not constitute for our company an occasional and collateral employment. The advantages described above have determined both big chains of Greek and foreign interests and personal companies to entrust Optephsis S.A.